Cursor is a code editor designed for pair programming with AI. You can download Cursor from our homepage. Updates are automatically performed from within the app.

Cursor is not just a Visual Studio Code (VSC) extension. It’s its own application. But don’t worry! It’s a VSC fork. This means it has everything VSC has but with a lot more AI features built on top of it.

You can effortlessly import all your VSC extensions, settings, and keybindings with our built-in VSCode Import function.

We will continuously update the Visual Studio Code version that Cursor uses so you don’t miss out on the latest VSC features.

Why is Cursor not just a VSC extension?

As a standalone application, Cursor has more control over the IDE, enabling greater AI integration possibilities. Some features aren’t possible as a VSC extension.

Why is the activity bar in Cursor horizontal?

Because it saves some horizontal space. But if you prefer the normal vertical activity bar you can go to the VSC settings, set workbench.activityBar.orientation to vertical, and restart Cursor.

I can’t see the settings button in the horizontal activity bar. How do I go to my VSC settings?

You can open the VSC Command Palette by pressing Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + P and typing out Settings or Keyboard Shortcuts to access these and other pages.